
Activities organised by SÉDIGA

ANR Programme blanc N° ANR-08-BLAN-0317-01/02

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  • Workshop at the CIRM organized jointly by the ANR programs TheorieGW and SÉDIGA
    Date and duration: March 9-11, 2010
    Title: Mirror Symmetry via D-Modules
    Contacts: Antoine Douai & Étienne Mann
    Registration necessary on the CIRM web page

  • Description: Various talks will be about the article
    An integral structure in quantum cohomology and mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds by H. Iritani, arXiv: 0903.1463.


    Tuesday, March 9
    9h30 Antoine Douai (Nice): A B-model quantum differential system and application to mirror symmetry pdf
    11h Samuel Boissière (Nice): The quantum D-module on the A side pdf
    15h Christian Sevenheck (Mannheim): Brieskorn lattices for families of Laurent polynomials (after Givental and Iritani) pdf

    Wednesday, March 10
    9h30 Thierry Mignon (Montpellier): GKZ systems and their solutions; The GKZ system of a toric variety pdf
    11h Étienne Mann (Montpellier): Integral structure on the quantum D-module on the A side for toric orbifolds pdf
    15h Étienne Mann (Montpellier): continuation of the previous talk

    Thursday, March 11
    9h30 Emmanuel Chaput (Nantes): (Small) quantum cohomology for of adjoint varieties
    11h Alessandro Chiodo (Grenoble): From Calabi-Yau varieties to singularities via Fourier-Mukai transformations
    13h30 Alessandro Chiodo (Grenoble): continuation of the previous talk