
Some conferences on topics related to the SÉDIGA project

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  • Symposium
    Date and duration: September 16 - 21, 2013
    Location: Nice
    Title: The 1st Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Symposium on Singularities
    Organizers: Vincent Blanloeil (Strasbourg), Alexandru Dimca (Nice), Nguyen Viet Dung (Hanoi), Philippe Maisonobe (Nice), Michel Merle (Nice), Adam Parusinski (Nice), Osamu Saeki (Fukuoka), Michel Vaquié (Toulouse)
    Topics: Algebraic Geometry of singular varieties, Geometry and topology of singular spaces and maps

  • Conference (in honor of A. Dimca and S. Papadima)
    Date and duration: June 21-24, 2013
    Location: Mangalia, Roumanie
    Title: Experimental and Theoretical Methods in Algebra, Geometry and Topology
    Organizers: Marian Aprodu (Bucarest), Wladimir-Georges Boskoff (Constanta) & Viviana Ene (Constanta)

  • Thematic Program
    Date and duration: May 20 - June 7, 2013
    Location: Center of Mathematics at Notre Dame (University of Notre Dame), USA
    Title: Motivic invariants and singularities
    Organizers: Nero Budur (University of Notre Dame), François Loeser (Université Pierre et Marie Curie), Mircea Mustaţa (University of Michigan)

  • Annual meeting of the GDR program Singularities and applications
    Date and duration: April 15-19,  2013
    Location: CIRM (Luminy), France
    Title: Geometry and topology of complex singularities
    Organizers: Vincent Blanlœil (Univ. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg), Arnaud Bodin (Lille 1), Anne Pichon (Univ. d'Aix-Marseille) & Osamu Saeki (Kyushu University)
    Preliminary registration mandatory

  • Conference
    Date and duration: February 19-23, 2013
    Location: Padova (Italy)
    Title: Recent trends in Algebraic Analysis
    Scientific Committee: F. Bottacin (Univ. Padova, Italy), A. D'Agnolo (Univ. Padova, Italy), F.J. Castro Jiménez (Univ. Sevilla, Spain), T. Monteiro Fernandes (Univ. Lisboa, Portugal)


  • Workshop
    Date and duration: December 19-21, 2012
    Location: Jussieu, Paris
    Title: Hodge theory
    Organizer: Bruno Klingler
    Registration mandatory by mailing to B. Klingler (klingler@math.jussieu.fr)

  • HDR Defense
    Candidate: Philip Boalch
    Date: December 12, 2012, 15h
    Location: ENS salle W, Paris
    Title: Geometry of moduli spaces of meromorphic connections on curves, Stokes data, wild nonabelian Hodge theory, hyperkahler manifolds, isomonodromic deformations, Painlevé equations, and relations to Lie theory
    A party will follow

  • Annual meeting of the GDR Singularities and applications
    Date and duration: October 22-26, 2012
    Location: Village IGESA, Île de Porquerolles, France
    Title: Characteristic classes
    Organizers: Jean-Paul Brasselet & Claude Sabbah
    Registration mandatory

  • Conference
    Date and duration: August 1-6, 2012
    Location: University of Vienna (Vienna), Austria
    Title: Birational Geometry and Derived Categories
    Organizers: Ludmil Katzarkov, Dmitri Orlov, Matthew Ballard, David Favero & Umut Isik

  • Summer school
    Date and duration: July 9-21, 2012
    Location: Sevilla (Spain)
    Title: Singularity Theory and Applications
    Organizers: Francisco J. Castro Jiménez (Univ. Sevilla), Luis Narváez Macarro (Univ. Sevilla)
    Contacts: Luis Narváez Macarro

  • Arithmetic Geometry week in Tokyo
    Date and duration: June 8-12, 2012
    Location: Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba 153-8914 Tokyo (Japan)
    Title: Ramification theory, Rigid Geometry, p-adic Hodge theory and applications
    Organizers: Ahmed Abbes (CNRS), Takeshi Saito (Tokyo), Takeshi Tsuji (Tokyo)

  • Spring school
    Date and duration: May 14-26, 2012
    Location: Mathematics Department of Northwestern University (Evanston, IL USA)
    Title: Spring School on Algebraic Microlocal Analysis
    Organizers: Dmitry Tamarkin & Boris Tsygan
    Lecture Notes

  • AIM Workshop
    Date and duration: May 7-11, 2012
    Location: Renyi Institute, Budapest (Hungary)
    Title: Motivic Donaldson-Thomas theory and singularity theory
    Organizers: Jim Bryan, Andras Nemethi, Davesh Maulik, Joerg Schuermann, Balazs Szendroi & Agnes Szilard

  • Workshop
    Date and duration: March 29-31, 2012
    Location: Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany)
    Title: Hodge theoretic aspects of mirror symmetry
    Organizers: Helge Ruddat, Stefan Müller-Stach & Duco van Straten

  • Workshop
    Date and duration: March 11-16, 2012
    Location: Banff International Research Station (Canada)
    Title: Advances in hyperkähler and holomorphic symplectic geometry
    Organizers: Marco Gualtieri (University of Toronto), Jacques Hurtubise (McGill University), Daniel Huybrechts (University of Bonn), Eyal Markman (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Ruxandra Moraru (University of Waterloo) & Justin Sawon (University of North Carolina)

  • Conference
    Date and duration: January 9-13, 2012
    Location: Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
    Title: Arithmetic, Motives and Moduli spaces
    Organizers: Olivier Debarre (ENS), Hélène Esnault (Essen), Claire Voisin (Jussieu) & Olivier Wittenberg (ENS)

  • 2011

  • Conference
    Date and duration: October 17-21, 2011
    Location: IHÉS (Bures)
    Title: Differential equations and Galois theory
    Organizers: Yves André, Alexandru Buium, Pierre Cartier, Jean-Pierre Ramis & Hiroshi Umemura

  • Workshop
    Date and duration: September 14-16, 2011
    Location: Bayreuth (Germany)
    Title: Variation of Cohomology: D-Modules, Monodromy and Arithmetic
    Organizers: Duco van Straten & Michael Dettweiler

  • FJ2011
    Date and duration: September 5-9, 2011
    Location: Fukuoka (Japan)
    Title: The 6th Franco-Japanese Symposium on Singularities
    Organizers: Osamu Saeki (Kyushu), Shoji Yokura (Kagoshima), Toru Ohmoto (Hokkaido), Takahiro Yamamoto (Kyushu Sangyo), Takehiko Yasuda (Kagoshima), Vincent Blanloeil (Strasbourg), Jean-Paul Brasselet (Marseille), Anne Pichon (Marseille).

  • Workshop
    Date and duration: September 1-3, 2011
    Location: Kobe (Japan)
    Title: Quantum cohomology and Integrable systems
    Organizers: Masa-Hiko Saito & Shinobu Hosono

  • ELGA 2011
    Date and duration: August 1st-12, 2011
    Location: Buenos Aires & Córdoba (Argentina)
    Title: First Latin American School on Algebraic Geometry and Applications
    Organizers: Fernando Cukierman (Buenos Aires), Alicia Dickenstein (Buenos Aires) & Roberto Miatello (Córdoba)

  • Summer school
    Date and duration: June 20 - July 7, 2011
    Location: Grenoble (France)
    Title: Moduli of curves and Gromov-Witten theory
    Organizers: Samuel Boissière (University of Nice), Alessandro Chiodo (University of Grenoble), Laurent Manivel (University of Grenoble)

  • Summer school
    Date and duration: June 20 - July 2nd, 2011
    Location: Sevilla & Madrid (Spain)
    Title: D-modules and applications in Singularity Theory
    Organizers: Enrique Artal Bartolo (Univ. Zaragoza), Francisco J. Castro Jiménez (Univ. Sevilla), Javier Fernández de Bobadilla (ICMAT, CSIC), Luis Narváez Macarro (Univ. Sevilla)
    Contacts: Luis Narváez Macarro & Javier Fernández de Bobadilla

  • Spring school
    Date and duration: April 6-8, 2011
    Location: University Paris XI (Orsay)
    Title: Around Kähler manifolds
    Organizers: Olivier Guichard & François Labourie
    Contacts: Olivier Guichard

  • Conference in honor of Francesco Baldassarri
    Date and duration: February 3-5, 2011
    Location: Padova (Italy)
    Title: From p-adic differential equations to arithmetic algebraic geometry
    Organizers: Bruno Chiarelotto (Padova), Andrea d'Agnolo (Padova), Giovanni Gerotto (Padova), Adrian Iovita (Padova), François Loeser (ENS Paris) & Francis Sullivan (Padova)
    Contacts: Bruno Chiarelotto & François Loeser

  • Annual meeting of the GDR Singularities and applications
    Date and duration: January 24-29, 2011
    Location: CIRM Luminy
    Title: Multiplier Ideals in Commutative Algebra and Singularity Theory
    Scientific Committee: Alexandru Dimca, Charles Favre, Guillaume Rond & Mark Spivakovsky
    Organizers: Michel Granger, Daniel Naie & Anne Pichon
    Registration necessary on the CIRM web page

  • 2010

  • Summer School on p-adic cohomologies and arithmetic applications
    Sevilla (Spain) June 14-18, 2010.
    Alberto Castaño Domínguez (Sevilla)
    Luis Narváez Macarro (Sevilla)
    Antonio Rojas León (Sevilla)

  • Workshop of the ANR Program ThéorieGW
    Date and duration: May 31 - June 4, 2010
    Title: Geometry and Physics of the Landau-Ginzburg model 2010
    Organizer: Alessandro Chiodo (Institut Fourier, Grenoble)

  • Trimester at the Centre Émile Borel
    Date and duration: April 12 - July 16, 2010
    Title: Complex algebraic geometry
    Organizers: Olivier Debarre, Christoph Sorger & Claire Voisin
    Registration necessary on the CEB web page

  • Workshop at the CIRM
    Date and duration: March 29 - April 2nd, 2010
    Title: Geometric and differential Galois Theory
    Organizers: Pierre Dèbes (Univ. Lille 1) & Daniel Bertrand (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie)
    Registration necessary on the CIRM web page

  • 2009

  • Advanced School on Homotopy Theory and Algebraic Geometry
    Sevilla (Spain) September 7-13, 2009.
    Luis Narváez Macarro (Sevilla)
    Beatriz Rodríguez González (Madrid)
    Michel Vaquié (Toulouse)

  • Workshop on Non-abelian Hodge theory and Geometry of Twistor structures
    RIMS, Kyoto (Japon) July 13-16, 2009. Videos of the talks.
    Kobe workshop on geometry of the moduli spaces
    Kobe (Japon) July 20-22, 2009. Videos of the talks.
    Masa-Hiko Saito (Kobe)
    Takuro Mochizuki (RIMS, Kyoto)

  • Workshop on Equivariant Gromov-Witten theory and symplectic vortices
    CIRM Luminy (France) July 6-10, 2009.
    Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine
    Chris Woodward
    Claude Sabbah

  • Rencontre différentio-diophantienne -- Un parcours libre entre motifs, équations différentielles, logique et transcendance
    Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris (France) March 25-27, 2009.
    Antoine Chambert-Loir
    Sinnou David
    Patrice Philippon

  • Conference in honor of Z. Mebkhout
    Sevilla (Spain) January 26-29, 2009.
    Francisco Castro Jimenez
    Luis Narvaez Macarro

  • 2008

  • Annual meeting of the GDR Singularities and applications
    Nice, November 3-7, 2008.
    Organizers: Georges Comte, Alexandru Dimca, Philippe Maisonobe, Michel Merle, Ingo Waschkies
    Topics: Various view points on vanishing cycles