Alexandru Dimca & Gus Lehrer, On the cohomology of the Milnor fibre of a hyperplane arrangement, arXiv: 1307.3847
Philippe Maisonobe, Cycles évanescents algébriques et topologiques par un morphisme sans pente, Journal of Singularities 7 (2013), p. 157-189.
Philip Boalch, Global Weyl groups and a new theory of multiplicative quiver varieties, arXiv: 1307.1033
Philip Boalch & Robert Paluba, Symmetric cubic surfaces and \(G_2\) character varieties, arXiv: 1305.6594
Philip Boalch, Geometry of moduli spaces of meromorphic connections on curves, Stokes data, wild nonabelian Hodge theory, hyperkahler manifolds, isomonodromic deformations, Painlevé equations, and relations to Lie theory, arXiv: 1305.6593
Daniel Barlet, Algebraic differential equations associated to some polynomials, arXiv: 1305.6778
Alexandru Dimca, Denis Ibadula & Daniela Anca Macinic, Pencil type line arrangements of low degree: classification and monodromy, arXiv: 1305.5092
Hélène Esnault, Claude Sabbah & Jeng-Daw Yu, \(E_1\)-degeneration of the irregular Hodge filtration (with an appendix by Morihiko Saito), arXiv: 1302.4537
Daniel Barlet, Asymptotics of a vanishing period : characterization of semi-simplicity, arXiv: 1301.7589
Francisco Jesús Castro-Jiménez & Michel Granger, Gevrey expansions of hypergeometric integrals I, arXiv: 1212.1410
Alexandru Dimca & Morihiko Saito, Graded duality of Koszul complexes associated with certain homogeneous polynomials, arXiv: 1212.1081
Claude Sabbah & Morihiko Saito, Kontsevich's conjecture on an algebraic formula for vanishing cycles of local systems, arXiv: 1212.0436
Michel Granger & Mathias Schulze, Quasihomogeneity of curves and the Jacobian endomorphism ring, arXiv: 1211.5443
Thomas Reichelt & Christian Sevenheck, Non-affine Landau-Ginzburg models and intersection cohomology, arXiv: 1210.6527
Thomas Reichelt, A comparison theorem between Radon and Fourier-Laplace transforms for D-modules, arXiv: 1210.6263
Alexandru Dimca & Morihiko Saito, Some remarks on limit mixed Hodge structure and spectrum, An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta (to appear), arXiv: 1210.3971
Jean-Baptiste Teyssier, Une variante des cycles micro-caractéristiques pour les D-modules: aspect formel en codimension 1, arXiv: 1210.3189
Alexandru Dimca, Syzygies of Jacobian ideals and defects of linear systems, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 56(104) (2013), p. 191-203, arXiv: 1210.1795
Michael Dettweiler & Claude Sabbah, Hodge theory of the middle convolution, Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ. (to appear), arXiv: 1209.4185
Thomas Reichelt, Laurent Polynomials, GKZ-hypergeometric Systems and Mixed Hodge Modules, arXiv: 1209.3941
Christian Sevenheck, Mirror symmetry, singularity theory and non-commutative Hodge structures, Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 114 (2012), p. 131-162.
Francesco Baldassarri, Radius of convergence of \(p\)-adic connections and the Berkovich ramification locus, arXiv: 1209.0081
Yves André, Uniform sheaves and differential equations, Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova 128 (2012), p. 345-372, arXiv: 1207.3380
Alexandru Dimca & Morihiko Saito, Number of Jordan blocks of the maximal size for local monodromies, Compositio Math. (to appear), arXiv: 1206.3895
Alexandru Dimca & Stefan Papadima, Nonabelian cohomology jump loci from an analytic viewpoint, Commun. Contem. Math. 15 (2013), DOI: 10.1142/S0219199713500259, arXiv: 1206.3773
Teresa Monteiro Fernandes & Claude Sabbah, On the de Rham complex of mixed twistor \(\mathcal D\)-modules, Intern. Math. Res. Notices (2012), doi:10.1093/imrn/rns197, arXiv: 1204.1331
Philip Boalch, Hyperkahler manifolds and nonabelian Hodge theory of (irregular) curves, arXiv: 1203.6607
Daniel Barlet, Construction of quasi-invariant holomorphic parameters for the Gauss-Manin connection of a holomorphic map to a curve (second version), arXiv: 1203.5990
Antoine Douai, Quantum differential systems and some applications to mirror symmetry, arXiv: 1203.5920
Claude Sabbah, Théorie de Hodge et correspondance de Hitchin-Kobayashi sauvages [d'après T. Mochizuki] (Séminaire Bourbaki, 64e année, 2011-2012), Astérique (2013), arXiv: 1201.4531
Daniel Barlet, Asymptotics of a vanishing period : General existence theorem and basic properties of frescos, arXiv: 1201.2757
Philip Boalch, Geometry and braiding of Stokes data; Fission and wild character varieties, Annals of Math. (2) (to appear), arXiv: 1111.6228
Alexandru Dimca & Gabriel Sticlaru, On the syzygies and Alexander polynomials of nodal hypersurfaces, Math. Nachrichten 285 (2012), p. 2120-2128, arXiv: 1111.1533
Alexandru Dimca & Morihiko Saito, Weight filtration of the limit mixed Hodge structure at infinity for tame polynomials, Mathematische Zeitschrift, DOI 10.1007/s00209-012-1135-4, arXiv: 1110.4840
Daniel Barlet, The theme of a vanishing period, arXiv: 1110.1353
Michel Granger & Mathias Schulze, Dual logarithmic residues and free complete intersections, arXiv: 1109.2612
Alexandru Dimca & Gabriel Sticlaru, Koszul complexes and pole order filtrations, Proc. Edinburg. Math. Soc. (to appear), arXiv: 1108.3976
Francesco Baldassarri, Appendix: proof of the Uniformity Conjecture, arXiv: 1108.0821
Alexandru Dimca & Gabriel Sticlaru, Chebyshev curves, free resolutions and rational curve arrangements, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 153 (2012), p. 385-397, arXiv: 1108.0798
Michel Granger, David Mond & Mathias Schulze, Partial normalizations of Coxeter arrangements and discriminants, arXiv: 1108.0718
Claus Hertling, \(\mu\)-constant monodromy groups and marked singularities, Annales de l'Institut Fourier (Grenoble) 61 (2011) n°7, p. 2643-2680, arXiv: 1108.0546
Claude Sabbah, Non-commutative Hodge structures, Annales de l'Institut Fourier (Grenoble) 61 (2011) n°7, p. 2681-2717, arXiv: 1107.5890
Alexandru Dimca, Monodromy of triple point line arrangements, arXiv: 1107.2214
Yves André, Solution algebras of differential equations and quasi-homogeneous varieties:a new differential Galois correspondence, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4)(to appear), arXiv: 1107.1179
Philip Boalch, Simply-laced isomonodromy systems, Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS 116 (2012), p. 1-68, arXiv: 1107.0874
Jiezhu Lin & Claude Sabbah, Flat meromorphic connections of Frobenius manifolds with tt*-structure, J. Geom. Phys. 62 (2012), p. 37-46, arXiv: 1105.1542
Francesco Baldassarri, Finiteness of de Rham cohomology for dagger curves and Hurwitz formula (Revealing hidden ramification), prépublication.
Christian Sevenheck, Duality of Gauss-Manin systems associated to linear free divisors, Mathematische Zeitschrift 274 (2013), p. 249-261, arXiv: 1103.0906
Daniel Barlet, Construction of holomorphic parameters invariant by change of variable in the Gauss-Manin connection of an holomorphic map to a disc, arXiv: 1101.3962
Daniel Barlet, Asymptotics of a vanishing period: the quotient themes of a given fresco, arXiv: 1101.3959
Alexandru Dimca, Richard Hain & Stefan Papadima, The abelianization of the Johnson kernel, J.~European Math. Soc. (to appear), arXiv: 1101.1392
Claude Sabbah, On a twisted de Rham complex, II, arXiv: 1012.3818
Frank Loray, Masa-Hiko Saito & Carlos T. Simpson, Foliations on the moduli space of rank two connections on the projective line minus four points, Séminaires et Congrès 27 (2013), p. 115-168, arXiv: 1012.3612
Damien Mégy, Sections hyperplanes à singularités simples et exemples de variations de structure de Hodge, Math. Ann. 353 (2012), p. 633-661, arXiv: 1012.2481
Alexandru Dimca, Tate properties, polynomial-count varieties, and monodromy of hyperplane arrangements, Nagoya Math. J. 206 (2012), p. 75-97 arXiv: 1012.1437
Daniel Barlet & Teresa Monteiro Fernandes, Grauert's theorem for subanalytic open sets in real analytic manifolds, Studia Math. 204 (2011), p. 265-274, arXiv: 1011.4208
Carlos T. Simpson, Local systems on proper algebraic V-manifolds, Pure Appl. Math. Q. 7 (2011), p. 1675-1759, arXiv: 1010.3363
Thomas Reichelt & Christian Sevenheck, Logarithmic Frobenius manifolds, hypergeometric systems and quantum D-modules, Journal of Algebraic Geometry (to appear), arXiv: 1010.2118
Claus Hertling & Ralf Kurbel, On the classification of quasihomogeneous singularities, J. Singul. 4 (2012), p. 131-153, arXiv: 1009.0763
Yves André, On nef and semistable hermitian lattices, and their behaviour under tensor product, Tohoku Math. J. (2) 63 (2011), p. 629-649, arXiv: 1008.1553
V.P. Kostov, Additive Deligne-Simpson problem for non-Fuchsian systems, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 53 (2010), p. 395-410.
Damien Mégy, Sections hyperplanes à
singularités simples et exemples de variations de structure
de Hodge, Thèse,
Université de Grenoble (mai 2010)
Alexandru Dimca & Gus Lehrer, Hodge-Deligne equivariant polynomials and monodromy of hyperplane arrangements, in: Configuration Spaces, Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology, Publications of Scuola Normale Superiore, vol. 14 (2012), p. 231-253, arXiv: 1006.3462
Claude Sabbah, Une remarque sur l'article «Un théorème à la "Thom-Sebastiani" pour les intégrales-fibres» de D. Barlet, arXiv: 1003.5589
Daniel Barlet, Changement de variables pour un thème, arXiv: 1003.5070
Valentina Di Proietto, On \(p\)-adic differential equations on semistable varieties, Math. Z. 274 (2013), no. 3-4, p 1047-1091, arXiv: 1003.3994
Daisuke Yamakawa, Quiver varieties with multiplicities, Weyl groups of non-symmetric Kac-Moody algebras, and Painlevé equations, SIGMA 6 (2010), 087, 43 pages, arXiv: 1003.3633
Philip Boalch, Riemann-Hilbert for tame complex parahoric connections, Transform. groups 16 (2011), no. 1, p. 27-50, arXiv: 1003.3177
Alexandru Dimca & Stefan Papadima, Arithmetic group symmetry and finiteness properties of Torelli groups Ann. of Math. (2) 177 (2013), p. 395-423, arXiv: 1002.0673
Claude Sabbah, Introduction to Stokes structures, Lecture Notes in Mathematics vol. 2060, 2013, xiv+249 pages, arXiv: 0912.2762
Claus Hertling & Claude Sabbah, Examples of non-commutative Hodge structures, Journal de l'institut mathématique de Jussieu (JIMJ) 10 (2011), no. 3, p. 635-674, arXiv: 0912.2754
Michel Granger, David Mond & Mathias Schulze, Free divisors in prehomogeneous vector spaces, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 102 (2011), p. 923-950, arXiv: 0912.0626
Daniel Barlet, Le thème d'une période évanescente, arXiv: 0912.0135
Daisuke Yamakawa, Middle Convolution and Harnad Duality, Math. Annalen 349 (2010), p. 215-262, arXiv: 0911.3863
Antoine Douai & Étienne Mann, The small quantum cohomology of a weighted projective space, a mirror D-module and their classical limits, Geom. Dedicata 164 (2013), p. 187-226, arXiv: 0909.4063
Alexandru Dimca & Stefan Papadima, Finite Galois covers, cohomology jump loci, formality properties, and multinets, Annali Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 10 (2011), p. 253-268, arXiv: 0906.1040
Claus Hertling, Luuk Hoevenaars & Hessel Posthuma, Frobenius manifolds, projective special geometry and Hitchin systems, J. reine angew. Math. (Crelle) 649 (2010), p. 117-165, arXiv: 0905.3304
Nero Budur, Alexandru Dimca & Morihiko Saito, First Milnor cohomology of hyperplane arrangements, Contemporary Mathematics 538 (2011), p. 279-292, arXiv: 0905.1284
Christian Sevenheck, Bernstein polynomials and spectral numbers for linear free divisors, Annales de l'Institut Fourier 61 (2011), no.1, p. 379-400, arXiv: 0905.0971
Alexandru Dimca & Balazs Szendroi, The Milnor fibre of the Pfaffian and the Hilbert scheme of four points on \(\mathbb C^3\), Mathematical Research Letters 16 (2009), p. 1037-1055, arXiv: 0904.2419
Chadi Taher, Calculating the parabolic Chern character of a locally abelian parabolic bundle, manuscripta mathematica 132 (2010), p. 169-198, arXiv: 0904.0927
Philippe Eyssidieux & Carlos T. Simpson, Variations of Mixed Hodge Structure attached to the deformation theory of a Complex Variation of Hodge Structures, J. European Math. Soc. 13 (2011), p. 1769-1798, DOI: 10.4171/JEMS/293, arXiv: 0902.2626
Alexandru Dimca, Stefan Papadima & Alexander I. Suciu, Topology and geometry of cohomology jump loci, Duke Math. J. 148 (2009), p. 405-457, arXiv: 0902.1250
Daniel Barlet & H. M. Maire, Oblique poles of \(\displaystyle\int_X|f|^{2\lambda}|g|^{2\mu}\,{}_{^\square}\), Complex Analysis (Freiburg, 2008), Trends in Mathematics, Birkhaüser, Basel, 2010, p. 1-23, arXiv: 0901.3070
Daniel Barlet, Périodes évanescentes et (a,b)-modules monogènes, Bolletino U.M.I. (9) 2 (2009) n°3, p. 651-697, arXiv: 0901.1953
Philip Boalch, Through the analytic halo:
Fission via irregular singularities, Annales de
l'Institut Fourier 59
(2009), n°7, p. 2669-2684, pdf
Yves André, Slope filtrations, Confluentes Matematici 1 (2009), n°1, p. 1-85, arXiv: 0812.3921
Carlos T. Simpson, Iterated destabilizing modifications for vector bundles with connection, in Vector bundles and complex geometry, Contemp. Math., vol. 522, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, p. 183-206, arXiv: 0812.3472
Antoine Douai, Examples of limits of Frobenius
(type) structures: the singularity case, arXiv: 0806.2011 (version
de nov. 2008)
Alexandru Dimca & Morihiko Saito, Vanishing cycle sheaves of one-parameter smoothings, J. Algebraic Geometry 21 (2012), p. 247-271, arXiv: 0810.4896
Alexandru Dimca, Stefan Papadima & Alexander I. Suciu, Quasi-Kähler groups, 3-manifold groups, and formality, Math. Z. 268 (2011), no. 1-2, p 169-186, arXiv: 0810.2158
Daniel Barlet, Thom-Sebastiani pour les intégrales-fibres, Annales de l'institut Fourier 60 (2010) n° 1, p. 319-353, arXiv: 0809.4981
Francesco Baldassarri, Continuity of the radius of convergence of differential equations on \(p\)-adic analytic curves, Invent. Math. 182 (2010), no. 3, p. 513-584, arXiv: 0809.2479
Claus Hertling & Christian Sevenheck, Limits of families of Brieskorn lattices and compactified classifying spaces, Adv. Math. 223 (2010), p. 1155-1224, arXiv: 0805.4777
Michel Granger & Mathias Schulze On the symmetry of b-functions of linear free divisors, Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 46 (2010), no. 3, p. 479-506, arXiv: 0807.0560
Alexandru Dimca, Characteristic varieties and logarithmic differential 1-forms, Compositio Math. 146 (2010) n°1, p. 129-144, arXiv: 0805.4377
Claude Sabbah, Fourier-Laplace transform of a variation of polarized complex Hodge structure, II, New developments in Algebraic Geometry, Integrable Systems and Mirror symmetry (Kyoto 2008), Advanced Studies in Pure Math., vol. 59, 2010, p. 289-347, arXiv: 0804.4328
Thomas Reichelt, A construction of Frobenius
manifolds with logarithmic poles and applications,
Comm. Math. Phys. 287
(2009), n°3, p. 1145-1187
Claude Sabbah, Wild twistor D-modules, in Algebraic Analysis and Around, Advanced Studies in Pure Math., vol. 54, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2009, p. 293-353, arXiv: 0803.0287
Ignacio de Gregorio, David Mond & Christian Sevenheck, Linear free divisors and Frobenius manifolds, Compositio Math. 145 (2009), n°5, p. 1305-1350, arXiv: 0802.4188
Antoine Douai, A canonical Frobenius structure, Math. Z., 261 (2009), n°3, p. 625-648, arXiv: 0709.0186
Daniel Barlet, Sur les fonctions à singularité de dimension 1, Bull. Soc. Math. France 137 (2009), n°4 p. 587-612, arXiv: 0709.0459
Alexandru Dimca, On admissible rank one local
systems, J. Algebra 321
(2009), p. 3145-3157
Alexandru Dimca,
Stefan Papadima & Alexander I. Suciu, Non finiteness properties of
fundamental groups of smooth projective varieties, J.
reine angew. Math. 629
(2009), p. 89-105