
Activities organised by SÉDIGA

ANR Programme blanc N° ANR-08-BLAN-0317-01/02

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  • Workshop in Mannheim, November 25-27, 2009.
    Organizers: Claus Hertling & Christian Sevenheck
    Title: Integrable twistor structures and Brieskorn lattices
    Contacts: Claus Hertling & Christian Sevenheck
    Registration necessary before
    October 25, 2009

  • Description: Various talks will be about the article
    Asymptotic behaviour of variation of pure polarized TERP structures by T. Mochizuki, arXiv: 0811.1384.

    Wednesday, November 25 (afternoon)
    14h Masa-Hiko Saito (Kobe): On moduli spaces of lambda-connections on curves with singularities
    15h30 Claude Sabbah (Palaiseau): Introduction to TERP structures pdf

    Thursday, November 26
    9h Daniel Barlet (Nancy): The theme of a vanishing period
    Jiezhu Lin (Mainz & Guangzhu): Some constraints on Frobenius manifolds with a tt*-structure

    14h Christian Sevenheck (Mannheim): Tame harmonic bundles and limit objects
    Marco Hien (Regensburg): Meromorphic and holomorphic extensions of flat bundles to divisors and their Stokes data

    Friday, November 27 (morning)
    9h Marco Hien/Claus Hertling (Regensburg/Mannheim): Good wild harmonic bundles
    10h30 Claus Hertling (Mannheim): Good wild variations of TERP-structures and limit objects