
Activities organised by SÉDIGA

ANR Programme blanc N° ANR-08-BLAN-0317-01/02

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May 2011

  • Workshop in Nice
    Date and duration: May 25-27, 2011
    Topic: Topology of algebraic varieties
    Organizer: Alexandru Dimca
    Contact: Alexandru Dimca
    Registration is necessary before April 25, 2011: the registration form is available. Pre-registration should be done by completing the registration form, and should be confirmed after receiving the acceptation e-mail.

  • Invited speakers:
    D. Arapura, I. Bauer, A. Beauville, F. Campana, F. Catanese, P. Py, B. Klingler, Mahan Mj, S. Papadima, A. Suciu, C. Voisin


    Wednesday, May 25
    9h30-10h  Welcome
    10h-11h  Arnaud Beauville: The Lüroth problem and the Cremona group
    Abstract: The Lüroth problem asks whether every field \(K\) containing \(\mathbb C\) and contained in \(\mathbb C(x_1,\dots,x_n)\) is of the form \(\mathbb C(y_1,\dots,y_p)\). After a brief historical survey, I will recall the counter-examples found in the 70's; then I will describe a quite simple (and new) counter-example. Finally I will explain the relation with the study of the finite groups of birational automorphisms of \(\mathbb P^3\).
    11h-11h30 Coffee break
    11h30-12h30  Pierre Py: Kähler groups, real hyperbolic spaces and the Cremona group
    Abstract: Starting from a classical theorem of Carlson and Toledo, we will discuss actions of fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds on finite or infinite dimensional real hyperbolic spaces. We will see that such actions almost always (but not always) come from surface groups. We then give an application to the study of the Cremona group. This is a joint work with Thomas Delzant.
    14h30-15h30 Fabrizio Catanese: Special Galois coverings and the irreducibility of certain spaces of coverings of curves, with applications to the moduli space of curves
    Abstract: Special Galois coverings are e.g. cyclic or dihedral coverings, for which I will describe old and new results, and new examples, obtained together with Fabio Perroni and Michael Loenne. In the case of curves I will show some irreducibility results for coverings of a fixed numerical type: in the cyclic case for smooth curves, and in the cyclic case of prime order for moduli-stable curves. In the dihedral case we have results in work in progress with Michael Loenne and Fabio Perroni: in the case where the genus of the base is 0, or in the case where the covering is étale. In this case our work ties in with some general asymptotical study done by Dunfield and Thurston. One application of the cyclic case is the description of an irredundant irreducible decomposition for the singular locus of the compactified Moduli space of curves of genus \(g\), extending the result of Cornalba for the open set \(M_g\).
    15h30-16h Coffee break
    16h-17h Alexandru Suciu: Abelian Galois covers and rank one local systems
    Abstract: The Galois covers of a connected, finite CW-complex \(X\) with group of deck transformations a fixed Abelian group admit a natural parameter space, which in the case of free abelian covers of rank \(r\) is simply the Grassmannian of \(r\)-planes in \(H^1(X,\mathbb Q)\). The Betti numbers of such covers are determined by the jump loci for homology with coefficients in rank \(1\) local systems on \(X\), and the way these loci intersect with certain algebraic subgroups in the character group of \(\pi_1(X)\). Under favorable circumstances, the finiteness of those Betti numbers is controlled by the jump loci of the cohomology ring of \(X\). In this talk, I will discuss this circle of ideas, and give some new examples where such computations play a role, especially in the case when \(X\) is a smooth, quasi-projective complex variety.

    Thursday May 26
    10h-11h Bruno Klingler: Symmetric differentials and Kähler groups
    Abstract: I will discuss the relation between rigidity properties for the fundamental group of a smooth projective variety \(X\) and the structure of symmetric holomorphic differentials on \(X\).
    11h-11h30 Coffee break
    11h30-12h30  Alexandru Dimca:  Milnor fibres of hyperplane arrangements
    14h30-15h30 Stefan Papadima: Diophantine geometry, representation theory and homology of the Johnson filtration
    Abstract: I will present answers to questions raised by B. Farb and F. Cohen, concerning the homology of the second Johnson subgroup of Torelli groups. The approach is based on the representation theory of arithmetic groups, on affine tori and their Lie algebras. This is joint work with A. Dimca, R. Hain and A. Suciu.
    15h30-16h Coffee break
    16h-17h  Mahan MJ: Three manifolds groups, Kähler groups and complex surfaces
    Abstract: Let \(1 \to N \to G \to Q \to 1\) be an exact sequence of finitely presented groups, where \(Q\) is infinite and not virtually cyclic, and is the fundamental group of some closed 3-manifold.  If \(G\) is Kähler, we show that \(Q\) contains as a finite index subgroup either a finite  index subgroup of the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group, or the fundamental group of the Cartesian product of a closed oriented surface of positive genus and the circle. If \(G\) is the fundamental group of a compact complex surface, we show that \(Q\) must contain the fundamental group of a Seifert-fibered three manifold as a finite index sub-group, and \(G\) contains as a finite index subgroup the fundamental group of an elliptic fibration. This is joint work with I. Biswas and H. Seshadri.

    Friday May 27
    10h-11h  Claire Voisin: The decomposition theorem for families of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces
    Abstract: The decomposition theorem for smooth projective morphisms \(\pi: X\to B\) says that \(R\pi_*\mathbb Q\) decomposes as \(\oplus_i R^i\pi_*\mathbb Q[-i]\). We describe simple examples where it is not possible to have such a decomposition compatible with cup-product, even after restriction to Zariski dense open sets of \(B\). We prove however that this is always possible for families of K3 surfaces (after shrinking the base), and show how this result relates to a result by Beauville and the author on the Chow ring of K3 surfaces. We also prove that such a multiplicative decomposition isomorphism exists for Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb P^n\).
    11h-11h30 Coffee break
    11h30-12h30  Frédéric Campana: Abelianity conjecture for "special" compact Kähler manifolds
    Abstract: The "special" (compact) Kähler manifolds are those which do not dominate an "orbifold" of general type. They generalize the rational elliptic curves in any dimension, and are antithetic to manifolds of general type. Each compact Kähler manifold \(X\) decomposes in a canonical and functorial way through a fibration (its "heart") in its "special" parts (the fibres) and its part of general type (the "orbifold basis"). This decomposition conjecturally furnishes a "splitting" of the properties of \(X\) (at the hyperbolic, arithmetic -if X is projective- and topological levels). For instance, one conjectures that the fundamental group of \(X\) is virtually abelian if \(X\) is "special". This conjecture is true if the fundamental group is either linear or solvable. We prove (joint work with B. Claudon) that such is the case if X has dimension at most \(3\), by using metrical arguments (Calabi-Yau orbifold) and the minimal model program in dimension \(2\).
    14h30-15h30 Ingrid Bauer: Rational curves on product-quotient surfaces
    15h30-16h Coffee break
    16h-17h Donu Arapura: Nori's Hodge conjecture
    Abstract: Nori's conjecture, which is not so well known, says that his category of motives embeds fully and faithfully into the category of mixed Hodge structures. This should be viewed as a refinement of Deligne's absoluteness conjecture. I want to explain the conjecture, and then explain how to prove the special case for the tensor subcategory generated by smooth affine curves, which contains things like semi-abelian varieties.