Summing a polynomial function over integral points of a polygon

Summing a polynomial function over integral points of a polygon. Velleda Baldoni, Nicole Berline and Michèle Vergne. Maple 12 worksheet.

Summing a polynomial function over integral points of a polygon. User's guide.Velleda Baldoni, Nicole Berline and Michèle Vergne. arXiv 09051820

See also : Oberwolfach References on Mathematicals Software

How to Integrate a Polynomial over a Simplex.

How to Integrate a Polynomial over a Simplex. Velleda Baldoni, Nicole Berline, Jesus De Loera, Matthias Koeppe, Michele Vergne. arXiv:0809.2083

Integration of polynomials over a simplex. Maple programs and experiments.

See also LattE integrale, a software dedicated to the problems of counting lattice points and integration inside convex polytopes.